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About Tom Hopkins

No company can be stronger than its sales force.

Legendary sales trainer, Tom Hopkins, has been building sales champions around the world in a wide range of industries since 1976. He has personally trained over five million sales pros at seminars, conventions and events. His books on “how to sell” have sold in the millions.

Tom’s training consists of practical, “how-to” selling strategies and tactics. Tom learned these skills the hard way—after failing miserably his first year in sales. Becoming a dedicated student of the nuances of selling allowed Tom to set sales records that remained unbeaten for decades and become a millionaire by the age of 27. With his peers constantly asking how he did it, a career as a sales trainer was born.

Tom Hopkins understands both sides of the selling equation. He understands the fears of both buyers and salespeople. Buyers don’t want to be “SOLD” anything. Salespeople fear failure. The selling skills and strategies that Tom Hopkins teaches reflect an understanding of how to communicate with buyers, so they feel confident in making decisions about the products and services they own.

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